Monday, June 11, 2007

Sonar 2007 14.-15.16.06 Barcelona

In a one hundred and eighty degree turn, this year SonarMatica looks at the world of magic, presenting an exhibition based on the Third Law of the famous British writer Arthur C. Clarke – the author of “2001: A Space Odyssey” - which states that “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”.

Sonarama focuses on the latest developments in new media: installation art, audiovisual concerts, software and medialab presentations in a shared exhibition space.

A menu selection that presents a wide range of contemporary audiovisual art in all aspects linked to new technologies and electronic music.

Talks and Panels
Round tables, forums and debates about electronic culture.

Sónar A La Carte: Music A La Carte y Digital A La Carte:
Sonar A La Carte is the Festival's media archive. Various exhibits of digital art, video and music that explore contemporary electronic culture through theme-based pieces chosen by different specialists each year.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Cellphonia: WET

CALL NOW +1 212-937-7725

and add you voice to the pool

Cellphonia: WET is a cellphone interactive sound/video installation. Visitors will experience a 6-minute 5-song looping vocals of naiads lamenting the loss of the world's fresh water with projected video accompaniment.

  • Cellphonia: WET will re-use technology and deployment methods from the premiere of Cellphonia: San Jose, a karaoke cellphone opera, at the ISEA Zero One, August 2006 receiving a favorable review in the New York Times.
    - Cellphonia: WET will reuse portions of the libretto from WET, an opera, that premiered at the Disney REDCAT theatre in 2005 with favorable reviews in the Los Angeles Times.
    - Cellphonia: WET will use video footage prepared during a Rockefeller Bellagio retreat.
    - Cellphonia was awarded a NYSCA grant in 2006. .
Installation Description
  1. One audio capable computer connected to internet to stream audio from Cellphonia web site.
  2. Public address system with loud speaker volume level set to be heard by several visitors.
  3. One video projector and screen or large video monitor to display water video from a DVD player.
  4. A poster to inform visitors to call Cellphonia telephone number and add their own voices to the installation vocals.
  5. Installation should be located so a visitor can use his cellphone to easily make a phone call.